
  • Three Takes on Chocolate Oat Milk
    The staple of my childhood was chocolate milk. At my grade school It cost a nickel and was delivered daily to our classroom. Those were the days. All these years later, my casein alpha s1 allergy means that chocolate milk from a cow is mostly off limits. The exception is the ...
  • The Best Turkey Meatloaf Ever!
    Meatloaf is an American classic much like 1957 Chevy Bel Air or a late 1960’s Ford Mustang. It has a timeless style that appeals to any generation. I’m probably the lone exception but meatloaf wasn’t something that my mother prepared regularly. When it was made it was always made with beef and had minced ...
  • Homemade Oat Milk
    Homemade beats store bought every time Homemade Oat Milk Making Oat Milk at home is quick and easy. The only thing that is not commonly found in the kitchen for this recipe is a nut milk bag. I cannot emphasis enough the importance of this item. Blended oats and water require a fine mesh bag to create ...
  • Heart Healthy Turkey Breakfast Sausage That Tastes Great
    A heart healthy recipe too often is code for tastes bad or that is just okay. The recipe was developed as a way to reduce the amount of processed meat that I eat. I love a good breakfast and traditional packaged breakfast sausage has too much salt and additives. We all know ...